SaveMe is a ramification project for reporting platform of sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape)

SaveMe is an app for people who experienced sexual misconduct, whether it is a first-hand experience or witnessing the crime in any way. Victims of sexual misconduct, as well as the people who care about them, require ways to ask for legal and professional help to address and report the crime, as well as ways to find professional support in dealing with trauma caused by the crime.


Our high-level goals were to:

  1. Create a competitive application that can take over a considerable piece of the market.
  2. Reach 1K signups within the first 6 months from launch.
  3. Get mentioned in like-minded circles such as NGOs, student organizations, communities, and similar, but also by people addressing this issue on social media platforms.


End to end Project Management from UX Design to Application Development




Victims of sexual misconduct, as well as the people who care about them, require ways to ask for legal and professional help to address and report the crime, as well as ways to find professional support in dealing with trauma caused by the crime.


  1. The first part of the survey contains questionnaires to uncover participant’s understanding of the concept of sexual harassment. Remarkably, data show that the top 3 forms of sexual harassment understood by participants that are frequently checked within the questionnaires are rape, non-consensual sexual activities (sexual exploitation & force sex), dan non-physical sexual acts (stalking, and catcalling).
  2. Second part of the survey is questionnaires for the victims of sexual harassments to inform their experience. Data given by participants are mostly sexual harassments informed of non-physical sexual acts (stalking, catcalling), non-consensual sexual activities (sexual exploitation & force sex), and gender dicrimination. Furthermore, victims report that most of the sexual harassment happends in public places, schools (educational institutions), dan at home. 60% of respondents don’t know the perpetrator and as much as 51.4% do not have any form of relationship with the perpetrator. In informing or sharing of the victims experience 42% feel to share the information to their friends, 28.6% would likely share towards their family members, and 5.7% would share their experience towards professionals (doctors, psychiatrist, psychologist), while 34% refuse to share or tell their experience.
  3. The third part of the survey are set of questions that consist of participant’s actions and attitudes towards sexual harassment. Most respondents as 57.4% would likely share their experience with friends and family, while 38.3% are more keen to keep it to themselves. 57.4% of the majority of participants’ actions towards sexual harassment are more likely to confront the perpetrators themselves, while 46.8% would likely report to the authorities.




Features are voted on and ranked on the feature’s matrix to determine the usefulness and complexity of those features.


Voted features are individually brainstormed on to create a rough representation of idea through 8 panels to examine creative ideas.


Selected Features from the feature’s matrix are arranged into a hierarchical structure, clustered and arranged by categories and relevance to the overarching category. The following low-fidelity and high-fidelity then base their content on this site map.


Mood board: The team explores various themes and ideas that would be suitable for the SaveMe project. Exploring Dribble, Pinterest, and more, we gather interesting ideas to formulate our own designs with.

Typography: The SaveMe Team create a visual storyboard to study how they will explore this feature and what are all the circumstances they use in this app.

Colors: Colors are carefully explored and decided on by the team so that the app has the look and feel that fits the Design Principles established.

Images: Images carry a lot of communicational weight. Thus, SaveMe makes sure that every image follows the design principles of being friendly, informational, and non-offensive and disturbing.

Icons: A clean set of icons can will help convey accurate and easy to understand messages. Our outlined-focused icons help our navigation easy and meaningful.

Components: Each components follow the design principles based on our carefully selected color palettes and themes explored from our mood board. The components are clean and consistent so our users can easily navigate and digest the information provided.


The SaveMe Team created a visual storyboard to study how they will explore this feature and what are all the circumstances they use in this app.


The SaveMe Team create a visual storyboard to study how they will explore this feature and what are all the circumstances they use in this app.